Review of social safety nets in Burundi – May 6, 2014
A workshop to disseminate the results of the review of social safety nets in Burundi took place on May 6, 2014 in Bujumbura. 2014_05_06_Presentation_PNPS_Dissemination_Revue_FSS 2014_05_06_Presentation1_processus 2014_05_06_Presentation2_pauvrete_vulnerabilite_risques...
Minutes of the second UHC development partners meeting held in September 2013
The 2nd meeting was organized as a follow up to the discussions and decisions taken in the previous meeting held on Feb 12th, 2013. Wherein the P4H partners and other relevant development partners (DPs) decided to come together for a periodical dialogue on their...
Coordination meeting to set up the Caisse Autonome de Protection Sociale Universelle (CAPSU) – August 2013
A coordination meeting to set up CAPSU is held in Dakar on August 16, 2013.
Creation of the General Delegation for Social Protection and National Solidarity (DGPSN) – November 2012
Following the presidential elections in May 2012 and in line with the new team's desire to make universal health coverage a national priority, a General Delegation for Social Protection and National Solidarity (DGPSN) directly attached to the Presidency of the...