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Vulnerable people Archives - Page 5 of 118 - P4H Network
588 results
Universal health coverage in Benin: a clear political commitment
Universal health coverage in Benin: a clear political commitment

The Beninese government is continuing its efforts to make access to essential health services a reality for all citizens. Since April 2016, the Beninese authorities have been committed to making health "an essential dimension of the population's well-being and a key...

Insurance for Migrant Workers from South and Southeast Asia
Insurance for Migrant Workers from South and Southeast Asia

The authors discuss the important topic of healthcare access for migrant workers, who face numerous health challenges when working abroad. Migrant workers often lack access to healthcare or the means to pay for it, leading to significant barriers such as cost, lack of...

Universal health coverage in Pakistan

This paper examines Pakistan's health system, focusing on health-seeking behaviors and service utilization in the context of achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Using 14 UHC tracer indicators, the analysis highlights Pakistan's lagging position compared to...

Health financing in Tunisia: World Bank technical assistance

At the request of the Ministry of Health, a team of health specialists from the World Bank carried out a study on health financing in Tunisia. The above-mentioned technical assistance carried out a study on free medical assistance, with the following specific...

Law no. 1.465 on assistance to Monegasque families and social aid

Adopted by the National Council in its meeting of December 3, 2018, the present law n° 1.465 relates to Monegasque family assistance and social aid. It is promulgated in the Official Journal of Monaco under the title: Law n° 1.465 of December 11, 2018 relating to...

Joint SDG Fund: Social health protection in Albania and Cambodia
Joint SDG Fund: Social health protection in Albania and Cambodia
Cambodia, Albania

Albania and Cambodia are advancing social health protection and employment initiatives through joint programmes supported by the Joint SDG Fund, with a focus on fostering inclusion and universal health coverage.In Cambodia, the Joint SDG Fund is driving key reforms to...

Extension of free health care in Burkina Faso
Extension of free health care in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

The Minister of Health, Robert Jean-Claude Lucien Kargougou, announced on Monday August 12, 2024 that in addition to pregnant women and children under five, treatment for serious accidents, chronic and severe illnesses will be free in Burkina Faso by 2025. " In...