At the request of the Ministry of Health, a team of health specialists from the World Bank carried out a study on health financing in Tunisia. The above-mentioned technical assistance carried out a study on free medical assistance, with the following specific...
Law 346: Free health services for women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period
It establishes free curative medical care and comprehensive general health services for women during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium in all public health facilities. The public health system should encourage the strengthening of all relevant actions for the...
Law no. 1.465 on assistance to Monegasque families and social aid
Adopted by the National Council in its meeting of December 3, 2018, the present law n° 1.465 relates to Monegasque family assistance and social aid. It is promulgated in the Official Journal of Monaco under the title: Law n° 1.465 of December 11, 2018 relating to...
Inequality in financial risk protection in health: The case of Venezuelan women in Brazil
Inequalities in financial health protection among Venezuelan migrant women in Brazil were analyzed. The study focused on out-of-pocket health expenditures and catastrophic health expenditures to determine inequalities between migrant and non-migrant women. It found...
Joint SDG Fund: Social health protection in Albania and Cambodia
Albania and Cambodia are advancing social health protection and employment initiatives through joint programmes supported by the Joint SDG Fund, with a focus on fostering inclusion and universal health coverage.In Cambodia, the Joint SDG Fund is driving key reforms to...
Extension of free health care in Burkina Faso
The Minister of Health, Robert Jean-Claude Lucien Kargougou, announced on Monday August 12, 2024 that in addition to pregnant women and children under five, treatment for serious accidents, chronic and severe illnesses will be free in Burkina Faso by 2025. " In...
Central registry in Cambodia helps patients access social services
The USAID Local Health System Sustainability Project is working with social protection programs in Cambodia to create a data-sharing infrastructure that links databases of all social health protection programs across country.Cambodia has committed to improve access to...
Social safety net program 2022-2026
The aim of the program is to increase the productive capacities of the most vulnerable households through a range of interventions, and to strengthen the national social safety net system to ensure greater social inclusion of poor and vulnerable populations. The...
Gbessokè social program: 34,000 beneficiaries receive their identifiers
As part of the implementation of the "GBESSOKE" productive social safety net program, 34,000 Personal Identification Number certificates were handed over to the program's Implementation Support Unit (CAMO) on June 13 in Cotonou.The Government of Benin, through the...
Nationwide expansion of home-based services for patients receiving Medical Aid
Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced a plan to expand home medical care service program for patients receiving Medical Aid nationwide, starting from July 2024.In 2019, the home medical care service program for Medical Aid beneficiaries was piloted in 13 areas....
Can provincial-pooling of urban and rural resident basic medical insurance improve the health performance of migrant population?
This study aims to explore the impact of provincial-pooling of basic medical insurance on the health performance of migrant population and analyze the mediating role of social integration. And calls for accelerating the promotion of provincial-pooling of basic medical...
Strategy for implementing Targeted Free Distribution in CAR
The aim of this strategy is to reduce maternal and infant mortality, which is predominant in 07 districts not covered by technical and financial partners, and to guarantee equity in the provision of healthcare to all the people of the Central African Republic. The...
Feasibility study for the implementation of a social protection scheme for farmers and the informal sector
One of the major provisions of the Loi d'Orientation Agricole (LOA) is the introduction of specific social protection for the agricultural sector.By including this provision in the LOA, the legislator is correcting a social injustice affecting the agricultural sector,...
Economic burden of infectious diseases and its equity implications in Indian households
Infectious diseases remain one of the major causes of health and economic burden for Indian households. The study estimates the equity impact of infectious disease episodes on out-of-pocket expenditure (OOPE) and wage losses among Indian households.
Global Financing Facility investments for vulnerable populations
The document titled "Global Financing Facility investments for vulnerable populations: content analysis regarding maternal and newborn health and stillbirths in 11 African countries, 2015 to 2019," authored by Mary Kinney et. al., provides a detailed analysis of the...