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Vulnerable people Archives - Page 8 of 116 - P4H Network
576 results
Benin National Development Plan 2018-2025

Based on the Benin 2025 Alafia vision, the 2018-2025 National Development Plan incorporates new economic and social development challenges at national, African and international levels. The NDP 2018-2025 is structured around the following major themes: i) human...

Insurance program for human capital reinforcement (ARCH) – Benin

Project ARCH is part of the Beninese government's drive to offer a minimum package of basic social services to the most disadvantaged. It is part of the national institutional framework and aims to develop synergies with other projects and initiatives already...

Muskoka study on CSU in Benin

This research aims to help participating countries meet the challenge of building on what already exists to move towards CSU. The aim is to document the extent to which the 'CSU' systems of the countries participating in the study meet the criteria of the Learning...

National health financing strategy for CSU Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso

This strategy document is intended to be a reference tool for the government and technical and financial partners, enabling them to coordinate the various interventions in the field of health financing.The vision of the National Health Financing Strategy (SNFS) for...

Social norms and values impacting health expenditures in India
Social norms and values impacting health expenditures in India

Household resource allocation in India is not just a pragmatic and calculative exercise, it also involves multi-layered tacit and explicit contestation, bargaining and negotiations that occur at the intersection of social norms, economic class, caste, gender, age, and...

Decree determining the conditions of medical control -AMU
Burkina Faso

The decree issued in application of the provisions of article 33 of law no. 060-2015/CNT of September 5, 2015 on the universal health insurance scheme in Burkina Faso, determines the terms and conditions of medical control and medical expertise.The medical check-up...

Decree approving RAMU agreements
Burkina Faso

This decree approves standard models for national and individual agreements. The standard models of national and individual agreements governing relations between universal health insurance scheme management bodies and public or private health care providers, in...

Achievements in Equity of the Health System in Colombia
Achievements in Equity of the Health System in Colombia

The greatest achievement of the Colombian health system is the improvement in the financial protection of households. Out-of-pocket health care spending declined significantly since most medical procedures and drugs are included in the nation's public health insurance...