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Serge Mayaka Manitu | P4H Network

Country Focal Person History

Côte d’Ivoire
Aug 2021 to Present

Facilitation among technical and financial partners

Serge Mayaka, P4H country focal person (P4H-CFP) in Côte d’Ivoire, performs several facilitation roles and contributes to several actions concerning health financing (HF) in the country. · He facilitates exchanges among technical and financial partners (TFPs) in the technical working group (TWG) on HF (TWG/HF) of the Health Sector Group of Donors · Serge contributed to prioritizing the TWG/HF’s actions. This matrix reflects the TFPs' support for the National Health Financing Coordination Platform (PNCFS). · He facilitates discussions related to social health protection (SHP) and HF in several areas such as resource mapping, monitoring health expenditures, the sustainability of cofinancing and transition policies in the health sector, evaluating the health financing strategy, measuring and assessing user perceptions of universal health coverage (UHC), and analyzing the budget of the Ministry of Health and national health accounts; and improving coordination of domestic financing.

Support for collaboration among stakeholders in the health sector

The PNCFS is an inclusive exchange framework for governance in the health sector. Experts in its TWGs conduct research that drives evidence-based policies. Serge makes significant contributions to the work of several TWGs of the PNCFS: assessing Côte d’Ivoire’s progress towards UHC; participating in knowledge sharing activities with a blog focused on performance based financing for UHC; working on reducing fragmentation of HF; the sustainability plan on transitioning from external financing; and cross-programmatic efficiency analysis.

Support for the evaluation of the National Health Financing Strategy

More than seven years following the implementation of the National Health Financing Strategy in November 2015, with an improved institutional framework for HF, it was time to evaluate the country’s HF system. Serge proposed using the World Health Organization’s Health Financing Progress Matrix (HFPM). He later served as facilitator at the HFPM training workshop in November 2022. Using the HFPM made it possible to determine the extent of structural fragmentation within the country’s health system and to identify its strengths and weaknesses based on a set of benchmarks.

Case studies