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Shana Fabienne Hoehler | P4H Network

Country Focal Person History

May 2022 to Present

Shana Fabienne Hoehler, P4H country focal person for KenyaFocusing on social health protection for refugees and their host communities

Shana Fabienne Hoehler works closely with Kenya’s National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to support the extension of social health protection (SHP) coverage to uncovered populations such as workers in the informal economy, refugees and asylum seekers. She supports NHIF’s strategy development and the institutional strengthening and capacity building of NHIF staff.

Strengthening coordination on SHP and Health Financing in Kenya

Shana closely collaborates with other health and social protection partners. The activities she contributes to are coordinated in the national social protection coordination group and in an ad hoc NHIF-led coordination group for development partners, including UNICEF, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. This ensures complementarity between the work of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and other development partners supporting NHIF and the Ministry of Health of Kenya. ILO supports the broad social protection agenda of the government of Kenya and fosters the connection between the SHP agenda with benefits such as maternity care and maternity income.

Case studies