We promote collaboration in social health protection (SHP) and health financing (HF)
Our vision is to accelerate progress towards universal health coverage (UHC). Our main contribution is to help improve financial protection, measured by SDG indicator 3.8.2. Our goal is sustainable and equitable HF systems.
In the short term, our actions focus on selected SHP and HF reforms, especially at the country level.
We facilitate exchange and collaboration for better results
Our work is founded on the belief that collective actions produce better results than the sum of individual actions. P4H promotes, develops and strengthens exchange and collaboration among stakeholders in social health protection (SHP) and health financing (HF). Our experience as a network has informed the way we support the SHP and HF communities.
And now our presence extends worldwide.
We strive to achieve the following:
- High-level, multi-sector interest in and commitment to financing for UHC, most importantly through domestic funding
- Functional, local P4H networks and mechanisms, allowing P4H to assess country and regional needs and gaps, exchange relevant information, and work in a harmonized way
- Coherent frameworks supporting UHC through demand-based joint technical assistance, and knowledge generation and exchange, including the development of global goods for UHC, ensuring alignment among partners at the country level
- Collaboration with other UHC-related networks to leverage complementarities
- Exploration of new ways of working in SHP and HF and promotion of innovative approaches
Since its inception in 2007, the P4H Network promotes active exchanges and collaborations between the various health financing stakeholders at national and global level to advance universal health coverage.
Results Framework
The P4H Network’s results framework illustrates its theory of change from workstreams to impact. The impact is progress towards the financial accessibility dimension of universal health coverage, indicator 3.8.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals. P4H Network monitoring focuses on intermediate outcomes that are advancing social health protection and health financing reforms.