The P4H Technical Exchange Group (P4H-TEG) supports the P4H Steering Group by engaging P4H members’ technical level staff to initiate, coordinate and evaluate P4H Network activities. The P4H-TEG comprises the P4H Coordination Desk, P4H country focal persons, and technical and policy level staff from P4H members. Led by three co-chairs, the P4H-TEG organizes working groups on technical topics and the P4H Network’s processes.
In 2023, working groups have five focuses: donors’ alignment in social health protection and health financing (HF); monitoring and evaluation; climate change and HF; aging and elderly care including vulnerable populations; pandemic preparedness and response.
Alignment Community of Practice – contacts

Pascale Le Roy
Emi Inaoka
GFMonitoring & Evaluation framework – contacts

Nina Siegert
Emi Inaoka
GFClimate change and health financing – contacts

Pascale Le Roy
Emi Inaoka
GFAging and elderly care including vulnerable population – contacts

Soonman Kwon
Emi Inaoka
GFFinancing pandemic preparedness and response – contacts

Nina Siegert