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Plan Estratégico Nacional de Salud (PENS) 2022-2026 - P4H Network

Plan Estratégico Nacional de Salud (PENS) 2022-2026

The NHSP 2022-2026 is the second strategic plan of the National Health Policy 2015. Like the first medium-term plan, this NHSP embraces the guiding principles of “Health for, Health by all and Health in all”.
The goals of this strategic plan are to:

  • Increase life expectancy and healthy life expectancy
  • Achieve and sustain all dimensions of Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
  • Prevent, Prepare for, detect early and respond adequately to all health emergencies
  • Promote healthy populations

The NHSP proposes bold changes to maintain and build on health gains for all people in Seychelles throughout the life-course. It recognises that promoting, protecting and restoring health in the fragile and unpredictable post-pandemic social and economic situation requires bold and innovative approaches. It recognises that health gains can be easily eroded; and that renewed and sustained investment is needed.

Plan Estratégico Nacional de Salud 2022-2026, Ministerio de Sanidad, Seychelles, 13 Jun 2022