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Delegación de la Escuela Francesa de Salud Pública visitó la Caja del Seguro Social de Enfermedad de Kazajstán en Astana - P4H Network

Delegación de la Escuela Francesa de Salud Pública visitó la Caja del Seguro Social de Enfermedad de Kazajstán en Astana

Durante la visita de la delegación de la Escuela Francesa de Salud Pública, Abylkair Skakov, Director General de la Caja del Seguro Social de Enfermedad (SHIF), señaló la gran importancia de la capacitación del personal a partir de una posible colaboración con los colegas franceses y de posibles estudios conjuntos en gestión de sistemas sanitarios.

The host organization (SHIF) presented the Kazakhstan’s model of the health insurance system, and described the activities of the Social Health Insurance Fund in detail, including purchase mechanisms and the distribution of funds, approaches to planning the volume of medical care within the State Guaranteed Benefits Package and the Compulsory Health Insurance Benefits Package. Particular attention was paid to monitoring the quality of medical care and payment for results.

In addition, the French delegation was part of the seminar held by SHIF and attended by the representatives of SHIF branches, the National Scientific Center for Health Development and the National Center for Public Health was held. The purpose of the seminar was to present possible solutions to issues in financing the health care system.

Representatives of the French School of Public HealthSamuel Hillier, Jean-Marie Andre and Muriel Bochet, presented approaches to financing healthcare in France and spoke about the latest updates in the health insurance system in France and other EU countries.

Such collaboration activities contribute to the exchange of knowledge and experience and strengthening international cooperation in healthcare financing. SHIF views this as a potential contribution to the development of the compulsory health insurance system in Kazakhstan and hopes this visit will serve to further develop cooperation with the French School of Public Health. Earlier, SHIF exchanged experience with representatives of the health insurance system of the Republic of Lithuania.
