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P4H-TEG meeting - P4H Network

P4H-TEG meeting

The P4H-TEG meeting on 5 and 6 October 2023 was held in person at ILO headquarters and online. The meeting’s first day continued earlier discussions on financing epidemics and PPPR and the alignment community of practice (COP). The second day was devoted to climate change, social health protection (SHP) and HF, P4H-TEG links with the Sustainable Financing for Health Accelerator (SFHA) and preparation for the P4H-SG meeting on November 29.

The first day’s discussions on epidemics and PPPR financing included a presentation by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) and World Bank on a joint technical assistance project on PPPR. P4H-CFPs then presented challenges related to PPPR financing in the contexts of Burundi, Chad and Senegal.

The subsequent discussion focused on the next steps of the alignment COP and highlighted the need to maintain the COP as a P4H-TEG workstream with increased involvement of P4H-CFPs. As part of the next steps, meeting members proposed the following: 1) continuing the COP on a bilingual (French and English) basis; 2) aligning strategy and coordination at the country level; 3) increasing involvement of P4H-CFPs in organizing the COP and enhancing the P4H-CFPs’ connection with community managers. The P4H-CFP from Myanmar presented on the specific topic of alignment in fragile contexts and proposed the COP continue working on this thematic area.

The P4H-TEG meeting also addressed the topic of climate change and next steps for the P4H Network. Members were advised to focus on a better understanding of the climate workstream for clear objectives and an overview of ongoing efforts at the country and global levels. Also, the need was raised to identify key in-country players to collaborate with on the climate agenda.

This was followed by a discussion on the potential synergy of a partnership between the Global Fund and SFHA. A consultant from Expertise France presented lessons learned from the experience of the joint P4H-SFHA P4H-CFP in Niger. The discussion stressed the importance of a clear terms of reference for P4H-CFPs; the involvement of national stakeholders; and the definition of national strategic policies.

Last, meeting participants discussed the preparation of the P4H-SG meeting scheduled for 29 November and completion of the process for reviewing P4H knowledge products; the P4H annual review for the period July 2022 – June 2023; and the monitoring and evaluation framework and piloting conclusions. These topics were reviewed in three presentations, delivered by, respectively, the P4H-CFP from the Republic of Korea, the P4H Coordination Desk and GIZ.

23 Nov 2023