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Webinaire ThinkWell, Financer directement les établissements de santé : Pourquoi tout ce remue-ménage ? - P4H Network

Webinaire ThinkWell, Financer directement les établissements de santé : Pourquoi tout ce remue-ménage ?

On June 1, 2023, at 9:00 AM-EST, ThinkWell will host the third installment of the Counterpoint webinar series entitled “Directly Financing Healthcare Facilities: What’s all the fuss about?”

There is a growing consensus that additional funding and greater autonomy for public-sector healthcare facilities is essential to improve the delivery of primary healthcare (PHC). It is also a necessary precondition for them to feel encouraged by the signals emitted by public purchasing entities as they seek to advance healthcare system objectives such as improving access, equity, quality and efficiency. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank have recently published a series of articles on the subject.

This webinar will feature a conversation with two leading figures on why funds and service delivery management should be moved to the front line, and why some continue to challenge this idea. Panelists will discuss why this is an important issue for low-income countries to explore when developing and implementing strategies to move towards universal health coverage. Nirmala Ravishankar will host the webinar, featuring two experts: Sheila O’Dougherty and Edwine Barasa.


ThinkWell, 02 May 2023