Les nombreux documents disponibles sur la plateforme numérique du réseau P4H reflètent le champ d’action du réseau. La majorité des documents sont des sources primaires créées par des ressortissants du pays ou des ressources produites par des organisations travaillant dans le domaine de la protection sociale de la santé (PSM) et/ou du financement de la santé (FSS).
La collection fournit des informations sur les réformes du PSM et/ou de l’HF et sur les processus de couverture sanitaire universelle dans le monde entier, ainsi que des analyses et des recherches sur des sujets d’actualité.
Analysis of cost recovery mechanisms used in health facilities and their link with the UHC system in Cameroon.
Workshop to present the Situation Analysis of Health Financing in Cameroon to OSC and Private Sector.
National consensus meeting to validate the UHC architecture
Situation Analysis oh Health Financing in Cameroon
Second meeting of the cluster HFS/UHC
Presentation of the process for the design of the Social Protection Policy by UNICEF and ILO. Point of situation by the MOH of the road map HFS for UHC.
First meeting of the cluster HFS/UHC
Presentation and validation of TORs Members: WHO, UNAIDS, ILO, WB, CHAI, France, USAID, GIZ, Malaria No More, CIDR, CARE. + Follow up of the HFS/UHC roap map
Third meeting of the cluster HFS/UHC
Preparation of the workshop on benefit package design. Presentation of the strategic axes for the HFS.
Exploratory mission on the transfer of «Vouchers» management to the Regional Funds for Health Promotion (RFHP)
UHC Road Map
Rapport OASIS_version finale_CAM
Le présent document est un état des lieux du système de financement de la santé au Cameroun, un travail inscrit dans le processus d’élaboration d'une stratégie cohérente du financement vers la Couverture Santé Universelle (CSU) dans lequel le pays s’est engagé afin...
CMR-Rapport OASIS_version final
Workshop to design the benefit package with the support of ILO and USAID
Finalizing the design of the Benefit Package in Cameroon 2017
Costing by Abt Associate funded by USAID HFG. Consolidating the matrix to collect data for the costing. Defining the hypotheses for the costing - ILO.
Technical study on the sectors and professions of the informal and agricultural economy for the determination of the adapted mechanisms of affiliation to the system of social protection and incentives in Cameroon (MINTSS and ILO)
Design of the Healthcare Protocols
A group of experts led by the directorate of the Healthcare Organization and Health Technology (DOSTS)