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3321 results
COVID-19 Act – Austria

On March 15, the Austrian parliament enacted the COVID-19 Act which, among the other things, establishes the COVID 19 Fund, drawing resources from the Federal government. The COVID-19 Fund Act established the “COVID-19 Crisis Management Fund” at the Federal Minister...

COVID-19 : Alger taille dans son budget pour faire face à la chute des cours

L’Algérie réduit ses dépenses publiques et revoit sa politique économique face à l’effondrement des cours du pétrole, principale ressource du pays : À l’issue d’un conseil des ministres présidé dimanche 22 mars par le chef de l’État, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, l’Algérie...

SNFS validation workshop at BFA
Burkina Faso

After 4 years of work, the National Health Financing Strategy will again be submitted for technical approval to the Ministry of Health, which will invite representatives from related departments. The version that will be proposed is the result of a working group that...

Burkina Faso’s SNFS-CSU validated at second Steering Committee meeting
Burkina Faso’s SNFS-CSU validated at second Steering Committee meeting
Burkina Faso

The second steering committee for the development of the national health financing strategy was held today, Tuesday, October 10, 2017, in the PADS meeting room in Ouagadougou. The Committee, chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, drew its members...

Official launch of GFF in Burkina Faso (and all start-up documents)
Official launch of GFF in Burkina Faso (and all start-up documents)
Burkina Faso

Official launch of the GFF: see pp2 & 3 of the Ministry of Health newsletter "The mission of the secretariat of the Global Financing Mechanism (GFF), in Burkina from February 19 to 22 led to a joint statement by the ministries in charge of Finance and Health. The...

Программа экономической и социальной устойчивости Сенегала COVID-19
Программа экономической и социальной устойчивости Сенегала COVID-19

Основная цель плана действий Министерства здравоохранения и социальной защиты - укрепление потенциала Сенегала в борьбе с эпидемией путем реализации следующих мер: - Выявление подозреваемых и подтвержденных случаев заболевания - Быстрая изоляция таких случаев -...