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Key Documents Archives - Page 4 of 19 - P4H Network
91 results
Cambodia’s Pentagonal Strategy – Phase I

This document outlines Cambodia's pentagonal strategy-Phase I, focusing on growth, employment, equity, efficiency, and sustainability. The pentagonal strategy is a long-term socioeconomic plan aligned with Cambodia Vision 2050, to be implemented over the next 25...

National Health Financing Strategy-2023

Following the elaboration of the new PDSS 2022-2026, the Ministry in charge of public health decided to revise the National Health Financing Strategy so that it accompanies the new political and strategic choices with a view to achieving universal health coverage by...

Kenya Universal Health Coverage Policy 2020-2030

The Kenya Constitution and Vision 2030 mandate the provision of high-quality healthcare for all citizens. To align with this, the Ministry of Health developed the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) policy for 2020-2030, aimed at significantly improving health outcomes in...

Kenya Health Policy 2014-2030

The Kenya National Health Policy aims to improve the nation's health status in alignment with the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Vision 2030, and global commitments. It underscores the government's commitment to achieving high health standards, responsive to population...

Social Health Insurance(General) Regulations, 2023

Kenya is currently undergoing a transition from the 57-year-old National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) to the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF). This shift aims to ensure equitable access to healthcare services for the impoverished and those in the informal sector...

Gambia National Health Policy 2021-2030

The National Health Policy of The Gambia aligns with the country's development goals outlined in the National Development Plan. It aims to improve living standards by transforming the nation into a dynamic middle-income economy. This policy focuses on achieving...

Health Financing Strategy, 2017-2027: Towards UHC for Zambia

The Health Financing Strategy (HFS) 2017-2027 for Zambia aims to enhance the country's health financing framework in line with national health goals. Developed through a participatory process led by the Ministry of Health and the Health Financing Technical Working...

Afghanistan National Health Accounts 2020

The Afghanistan National Health Accounts 2020 report highlights significant reliance on international funding, urgent need for domestic investment, and disparities in healthcare access across regions.The Afghanistan National Health Accounts 2020 details the economic...

Afghanistan National Health Accounts 2021

The Afghanistan National Health Accounts 2021 report reveals a critical underfunding in healthcare, stressing an urgent need for increased domestic and international investment to improve public health infrastructure and services.The Afghanistan National Health...

Afghanistan Health Financing Strategy 2019-2023

The Health Financing Strategy 2019-2023 serves to guide the Afghanistan health sector to strategically address major financing gaps to become more responsive to the health needs of the population.The Afghanistan Health Financing Strategy (AHFS) 2019-2023 was designed...

National Health Policy 2017

The National Health Policy 2017 has been formulated to address the current and emerging challenges necessitated by the changing socio-economic and epidemiological landscapes in IndiaThe primary aim of the National Health Policy 2017 is to inform, clarify, strengthen...

The Kingdom of Thailand Health System Review

This document is published under Health System in Transition Reviews (HiTs). It provides a detailed description of Thailand’s health system, and policy and reform developments as well as achievements and remaining challenges.It examines Thailand's health system...

Malawi National Health Policy: Towards Universal Health Coverage

The Malawi National Health Policy is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals and aims to tackle challenges like inadequate healthcare provision, weak governance, and limited resources. The policy serves as a crucial governance document to align stakeholders toward...