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News - P4H Network
3317 results

Follow-up event in Cote d’Ivoire postponed

The follow-up event in Cote d'Ivoire (CIV) scheduled for beginning of October has been postponed to accomodate political developments in the country. A new date for end of 2018/beginnning of 2019 will be found. CIV is there first case in which L4UHC closely...

Workshop on Public Social Health Insurance Design for Mozambique


An Inter-Ministerial Workshop was held in Maputo from 12th to 14th September, 2018, with the objective of aligning perspectives and start designing options for a possible Public Social Health Insurance. Over 30 participants from different Ministries included in the...

Khmer Times: NSSF discusses coverage of informal workers

Khmer Times: NSSF discusses coverage of informal workers


Khmer Times, 13 September 2018: " The National Social Security Fund on Tuesday held a meeting to discuss social security coverage for informal workers who are often on short-term contracts or are paid by the day with no contract at all, such as construction workers. "...

The Phnom Penh Post: “NSSF covers over 8k patients”

The Phnom Penh Post: “NSSF covers over 8k patients”


The Phnom Penh Post, 7 September 2018: "Some 8,727 patients received medical treatment under The National Social Security Fund’s (NSSF) healthcare programme introduced for civil servants this year. In the first six months, the NSSF spent $14 million to provide a range...

Establishing a Routine Health Services Costing System

Establishing a Routine Health Services Costing System


Awareness of the costs of health care services is a prerequisite to deliver them effectively and efficiently in the context of scarcely available financial resources, and aids managers to optimally deliver health care. For social health protection schemes knowledge of...

Special P4HC+ Meeting on Quality of Care Indicators

Special P4HC+ Meeting on Quality of Care Indicators


To inform the development of the M&E tool for the National Social Protection Policy Framework, a special meeting was held on August 31st by P4HC+, attended by representatives of HP+, GIZ, WHO, USAID and agencies making up the pooled funding arrangement H-EQIP...

Joint meeting between the Social Assistance Group and P4HC+

Joint meeting between the Social Assistance Group and P4HC+


On August 20th P4HC+ joint the Social Assistance Group’s meeting to take stock of respective activities and exchange updates. The opportunity was also taken to have Robert Kolesar of Health Policy Plus (HP+) present his work-in-progress on a Monitoring and Evaluation...

Household air pollution study

Household air pollution study

Burkina Faso

With technical and financial support from the WHO, the French Ministry of Health has launched a study into household air pollution (HAP). A little-known and little-studied area, PAH may account for more than half of pollution-related health problems, and represents...